West’s new brew says ‘Nix’ to alcohol

Nix beer

West has launched Nix, a new brand of alcohol-free beer.

Bavarian for ‘nothing’, Nix rolls out UK-wide, with the Glasgow-based independent brewery pitching it to several supermarket chains.

Offering two different beers – Nix lager 0.0% abv and Nix wheat 0.0% abv – the new brand aims to shake-up the growing alcohol-free beer market.

West founder Petra Wetzel (pictured) said: “The major problem with alcohol-free beer to date has been that it usually tastes like wet cardboard. Nix tastes much much better than that!

“Whilst Nix lager is cool, crisp and clean-tasting, Nix wheat is fruity and refreshing. Both represent the perfect blend of our Glaswegian heart and German head, and both are a natural extension of our adherence to the Reinheitsgebot of 1516; the German purity law which prescribed the use of only barley, hops, yeast and water in beer making. No chemicals. No preservatives. No artificial flavours. Now no alcohol.”

The first brew run of Nix will extend to 74,000 bottles.

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