Unilever launches new Partners for Growth site


Unilever UK has launched a new retailer website for its Partners for Growth small store formats category management programme. The Found at http://partnersforgrowth.unilever.com, site offers a full category management programme that, says Unilever, sees thousands of retailers visiting the site every month for advice on how to grow their categories and their business.

John McFarlane, Convenience Director at Unilever UK, commented: “The new site is much more user friendly than before, with a fresh design and clear navigation so that retailers can quickly and easily access the information they need.  We’ve also introduced short films for each of the nine core categories covered, featuring Unilever’s category experts.  These provide insights and advice into each category in the form of clear, action-oriented recommendations, as to how to make the most of the categories in their store.  In addition, the site will provide retailers with a practical summary of what they should be doing month-by-month to make the most of their categories, as well as giving interesting news, views and mentoring updates from our Retailer Advisory Panel of award winning retailers.”

Partners for Growth is also on Twitter @P4G_advice where followers can get seasonal advice, hints and tips, and insights from the Retailer Advisory Panel – all aimed at helping convenience retailers to grow their sales.

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