Tiresome research

Person yawning

UTC didn’t have much time for Sleeptember, the latest public health drive that seems to exist solely because some marketing genius smashed the back of a random noun into the front of a month. Think Vapril and Stoptober, if you don’t get the picture. Make the word and the campaign will surely follow.

It’s easy. The Auld Boy didn’t take too long to dream up ‘Snogust,’ a summer campaign to get more people kissing. Mrs UTC soon poured cold water on that one, though.

Anyway, speaking of dreams, Sleeptember focused on promoting better sleep quality with handy tips like cutting down caffeine consumption and avoiding alcohol. Sound advice that fell on deaf ears as far as SLR’s resident jacked-up bevvy merchant is concerned. His top tip for a decent kip would be putting a clothes peg on Mrs UTC’s nose in a bid to stop her snoring like a runaway chainsaw.

It turns out the nation must do something, though. According to Nuffield Health, two-thirds of Brits feel they are not getting good quality sleep and SLR readers won’t be surprised to discover that the retail industry suffers more than most.

Interestingly, research also suggests a link between sleep and financial wellbeing, with your sleep quality increasing the more you get paid.

UTC’s colleagues, who have long suspected the short-armed, deep-pocketed Auld Boy is secretly minted, tried to question him about this. However, it was mid-afternoon, and he’d quietly drifted off into his usual post-lunch snooze.

Under The Counter

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