Tic Tac Coca-Cola returns

Tic Tac Coca Cola

Tic Tac has brought back its biggest-ever limited edition flavour, Coca-Cola, after the success of last year’s launch, when 2.6 million packs were sold, equating to 600 per hour.

The launch is supported with in-store POS displays.

Levi Boorer, Customer Development Director at Ferrero, commented: “Tic-Tac is the number four adult sugar countline brand which is both well-known and trusted within the category. The Coca-Cola flavour will only strengthen this, creating standout in-store for a second year running.

“The launch will attract younger adult consumers via a partnership with a recognised soft drink brand whilst the limited edition nature of the product will drive excitement, supporting in the increase of impulse confectionery sales.”

Tic Tac Coca-Cola will be available throughout summer 2021 in T1 (18g, RSP 62p), T100 (49g, RSP £1.41) and T200 (98g, RSP £2.70) formats.

For further information on Ferrero UK products, dumpbins, POS and advice, head to its specialist trade website.

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