Tetley tees up a new opportunity with functional squash range

Tetley New Super Squash Range

Tea giants Tetley are expanding out of their ‘tea comfort zone’ with the launch of a range of functional squash drinks.

Available next month, Tetley Super Squash is being described as a first of its kind product in the category: a squash based on a blend of real fruit juices enhanced by added vitamins carrying 3 EFSA approved health benefits.

The launch will be supported by a £3m launch plan including TV and ambient advertising, in-store activity and a comprehensive PR, social media and sampling campaign.

Tetley Super Squash will be available in a family-sized 850ml bottle with an RRP of £2.29 (17 servings) and a concentrated pocket sized 50ml format of £2.49 (20 servings). The 850ml format is packaged in a case of 12 and the 50ml in a case of 6.

Tetley Super Squash is available in three flavours: Tetley Super Squash Sunshine with added Vitamin D; Tetley Super Squash Boost with Vitamin B6; and Tetley Super Squash Immune with Vitamin C and Tetley Super Squash Immune with Zinc.

“This is a really exciting development for us,” says Cassie Shuttlewood, Marketing Manager for Tetley. “We believe that health is an untapped opportunity to deliver value in the squash category which has not seen any genuine innovation for some time.

“Consumers are looking for more convenient and enjoyable ways to be healthy and we’ve seen from the success of our range of Super Teas how receptive cons to getting the vitamins and health benefits they want from a beverage,” she adds.

Peter Dries, Director of Shopper and Customer Marketing for Tetley, says: “Since the launch of our first Super Teas in 2015 our range now spans 16 teas and infusions each with EFSA approved health benefits. Sales have exceeded £7.9m since launch with 2.2m buyers, of whom 20% are new to the tea category. The shopper appeal of Tetley delivering beverages with proven health benefits combined with our proven track record of bringing new shoppers to a category will be a positive boost to the squash category.”

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