Strong fourth quarter sees Nisa on the up

Nisa lorries

Nisa has recorded a “strong” Q4 performance for the period ended April 2, 2017 with total sales of £299m, up 2.2% on a like-for-like basis with last year.

Non-tobacco sales rose 4.9% on a like-for-like basis to £210m, with tobacco sales falling 3.1%, which was better than the wider market.

Nisa put its muscular figures down to an improving offer, which included more investment in price and promotions, consumer leaflet development and its award-winning own label range, along with an increased number of new store openings.

Q4 saw 225 new stores, compared to 113 last year. When losses are considered, this boils down to 160 against 46.

Full year earnings before deductions is expected to be £8.5m, in line with the company’s expectations, and up from £7.3m the previous year.

As Nisa moves into its 40th year, CEO Nick Read commented: “I am very happy to see sales and recruitment on an upward trajectory, giving us real momentum coming out of Q4. I am pleased to report further progress against our three-year strategic plan to focus on Heritage, range optimisation and lowering our cost to serve, while targeting greater scale.”

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