Shot blasted

Complicated traffic sign

Plenish, a healthy shots brand (no, we’ve got no idea what that is either), has launched a marketing campaign called – oddly enough – ‘Give it a Shot’.

To prove this, Plenish sent UTC a picture of one of its out-of-home adverts sited next to possibly one of the most complicated-looking traffic signs ever screwed onto a pole.

The Auld Boy has always thought that signs should communicate information quickly in an easy-to-understand manner. However, much like Walt, this one disney.

It’s been a while since UTC last straddled his penny farthing but, as far as he could garner, the sign advises cyclists to hop onto a traffic island then cut across two lanes of traffic, no doubt killing themselves in the process. No bad thing, non-cyclists might conclude.

Anyway, one of UTC’s crueller coworkers thought the sign looked like the Auld Boy himself, shuffling off to the bog with a newspaper under his arm – albeit with a small bicycle strapped to his leg.

Under The Counter responded to this affront with a healthy shot of something that can’t be reprinted in an august journal like SLR. And then shuffled off to the bog.

Under The Counter

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