SGF highlights true cost of employment for retailers


The UK National Living Wage will increase on 1 April to £10.42, but the true cost for retail employers will be as much as £14 per hour, according to research by the University of Stirling and the Scottish Grocers’ Federation.

The true cost of employment figure represents a jump of £1.25 from a year earlier and is the highest increase of at least the past eight years.

The study considers statutory costs, such as National Insurance and Holiday Pay, as well as additional expenses such as uniforms and administration costs.

A recent survey of SGF members shows that more than 70% of respondents were less likely to hire more staff, due to the wage increases. With many working more than 65 hours per week, just keep costs down.

Professor Leigh Sparks, of the University of Stirling, said: “The increase in the headline figure for the National Living Wage brings welcome relief to many workers struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, But the true cost to retailers is much higher and comes on top of other pressures on the cost of doing business.

“Convenience and smaller retailers need to have all these costs considered in the round and see a recognition and amelioration if they are to continue to provide their vital local services for communities.”

SGF Chief Executive, Dr Pete Cheema, added: “Our members tell us that their staff value the benefits of being able to work locally, with flexible hours, but the significant increase to wages means that some stores will need to cut staff hours. Impacting of local jobs and employment.

“Both the UK Government and the Scottish Government need to recognise that local stores are economic drivers and provide many benefits for their communities. On top of rising energy prices, business rates and regulatory pressures, ministers can and must do more to alleviate the growing pressure on our sector.”

The True Cost of Employment 2023 paper will form part of SGF’s annual submission to the Low Pay Commission, for inclusion in its report and recommendations to the Prime Minister later this year.

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