
Scottish Greens publish general election manifesto

Scottish Greens Manifesto resized

In their newly published general election manifesto, Scottish Greens have called for full devolution of the remaining taxation powers to Scotland, including powers over Corporation tax, and alcohol and tobacco levies.

To tackle the cost-of-living crisis, the Scottish Greens 2024 Manifesto has pledged to roll out a system to cap the price of food essentials during peaks of inflation, as was implemented in France in 2023. The party said measures should be targeted at distribution and retailers, whilst ensuring producers continue to be paid a fair price for essentials.

The Scottish Grocers’ Federation has summarised the most relevant points of the manifesto for retailers here:

UK reserved issues & taxation

  • Revoke the UK Internal Market Act.
  • Reform the UK income tax system in line with Scotland and merge National Insurance into general income tax.
  • Adjust Corporation Tax and scrap VAT on net zero products and services.
  • Cap on food essentials during peaks of inflation – targeted at distribution and retailers.
  • Ban zero-hours contracts and remove qualifying period for protection against unfair dismissal.
  • Raise the minimum wage to establish a real living wage, effectively pegged against inflation, alongside a new Minimum Income Guarantee (inc. transition to a four-day working week across all sectors).

Scottish Economy & taxation

  • Full devolution of the remaining taxation powers to Scotland.
  • Enhanced borrowing powers for devolved nations (inc. Corporation tax, environmental taxes and alcohol & tobacco levies).
  • New Scottish Government immigration powers.

Public Health

  • Make it illegal for the UK to establish trade deals which negatively impact healthcare services (such as compromising initiatives to tackle smoking).

Other related matters

  • Call for Scottish Independence.
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