Shoppers could be quids in with new Rustlers promo

Rustlers Quarter Pounder

Rustlers has unveiled ‘100 Pounder,’ an on-pack promotion that gives shoppers the chance to win £100 when they buy a Rustlers Quarter Pounder.

Aside from driving trial among new audiences and increasing penetration of the product, which is made with 100% British & Irish Beef, the campaign serves to reinforce its provenance credentials and elevate the quality perceptions of the brand.

The promotion will run from 22 March for one month, across 2.7 million packs of Rustlers Quarter Pounder, and will be supported by in-store and online activity.

“As the UK’s No.1 Chilled Ready Meals brand, we recognise that convenience cannot afford to come with compromise. Whilst Rustlers is synonymous with convenience and speed, it also has fantastic quality credentials, which will be strongly dialled up as part of this promotion,” said Monisha Singh, Shopper Marketing Manager at Kepak Consumer Foods.

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