Robinsons seeks sales boost with Refresh’d campaign

Robinson's Refresh'd

Following its launch in the spring, Britvic has announced a £3.5m marketing campaign to support Robinsons Refresh’d.

The multi-faceted campaign comprises TV, out-of-home, digital, social and sampling activity.

The TV campaign consists of 30- and 20-second ads which feature a drinking straw bouncing around the countryside on a search for the ultimate in fruity refreshment. The ads are supported by outdoor advertising.

A nationwide sampling campaign sees over 190,000 bottles of Refresh’d distributed in 10 cities across the country.

The marketing activity is topped-off with social engagement via Facebook, Instagram and video-on-demand, as well as a new Robinsons Refresh’d Spotify hub – a technological first for the music streaming service.

Kevin McNair, GB Marketing Director for Britvic commented: “As the weather starts to heat up, so are the soft drinks sales opportunities for retailers. To take advantage of the mass consumer awareness generated through this campaign, we encourage retailers to stock up on the full range of Refresh’d, in the chiller wherever possible, and stay stocked up, to avoid missing out on summer sales opportunities.”

Refresh’d is available in three flavour combinations: Raspberry & Apple, Orange & Lime and Apple & Kiwi – in single 500ml PET bottles in cases of 12 and 24, including PMP formats. The suggested retail price is £1.29.

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