Ready Brek steams in for 2020 porridge season

Ready Brek 'Trick or Heat'

Ready Brek is back on TV in October with its ‘Central heating for everyone’ message.

Alongside the TV ads, which will be supported via a social media campaign, Ready Brek is also raising its profile instore and in wholesale depots, focusing on the Halloween occasion through point of sale with the strapline ‘Trick or Heat.’ Support includes haunted house displays in retail complete with 3D roof sections, hanging bats and freestanding pallet arch display units in wholesale.

“We hope to grab shoppers’ attention this year by having some great fun with Ready Brek this Halloween.” said Nanda Desai, Ready Brek Brand Manager, “We’re utilising our unique and distinctive brand colours and the famous ‘Ready Brek glow’ that are just perfect for bringing to life at Halloween.”

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