Price remains key factor for c-store shoppers

Pricemarked packs of yoghurt

Research by him! has revealed that price continues to be of central importance to convenience store shoppers with half of UK adults comparing their grocery prices regularly.

One in five shoppers buy on promotion and 40% of UK adults expect a £1 product in a supermarket to cost £1 (or less) in a convenience store.

Nearly half of UK adults price compare to some extent when grocery shopping and 14% of those shoppers use a price comparison website.

Impulse shoppers are increasing in number as convenience stores start to offer better deals. Promotions are key in this category since six in 10 people surveyed said they would be encouraged to try NPD if it were on promotion, and 43% of those who bought on impulse did so because the items were on promotion.

Ruth Cousins, Marketing Executive at him!, said stores are relying increasingly on PMPs to compete with the price war occurring across the big four supermarkets.  “Half of shoppers say ‘PMPs reassure me that I am not being overcharged’ and ‘they make me aware of the true price of the product’.”

Out of the shoppers who receive promotional leaflets, 62% said the leaflets encourage them to visit the store. Meal deals are another key area to focus on with 45% of Food to Go shoppers at Super Cs buying them, boosting ‘third item upsell.’

Cousins added: “Ultimately, convenience store prices are being impacted by other channels. Half of all convenience stores feature a ‘pound zone’ where all products are £1 and promotional buying is at its highest since him! records began. In addition to this, the low-price, good quality model set by discounters means shoppers’ value for money expectations are increasing.”

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