Portman Group rejects Baileys complaint

Baileys Counter-top Unit

A complaint about the packaging of a Baileys countertop unit and accompanying press release for encouraging immoderate consumption has not been upheld by the Portman Group’s Independent Complaints Panel (ICP).

The complainant, Alcohol Concern, was concerned that the point-of-sale display unit and trade press release encouraged irresponsible consumption by promoting impulse purchases of alcohol.

The Panel considered whether any aspect of the unit or its design might encourage irresponsible or immoderate drinking. It recognised that point-of-sale material was designed to drive sales, but found no link between an impulse purchase and irresponsible or immoderate consumption. It was also noted that the text on the unit was intended for the retailer’s information and would not be seen by consumers as it was printed on the tear-off lid of the unit.

The Panel considered the press release, and found that it did not contain any messages that might encourage consumers to drink irresponsibly or immoderately. The Panel concluded that neither the unit nor press release, taken alone or in combination, were in breach of Code rule 3.2(f).

Secretary to the ICP, Henry Ashworth, said: ‘‘It is vital that alcohol packaging or marketing whilst promoting sales of the product does not encourage irresponsible or immoderate drinking. In this case, the complaint was not upheld and we would like to remind producers that the Portman Group’s advisory service provides free and confidential advice.”

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