Pinkie Farm sees coffee-to-go sales soar

Pinkie Farm Spar store, in Musselburgh, has seen coffee-to-go sales soar by more than 100% since becoming the first independent Spar store in Scotland to install the premium coffee-to-go brand Barista Bar.

Barista Bar, which launching at Spar Scotland’s annual tradeshow in Aviemore in September, was developed by Henderson Foodservice.

Dan Brown, Managing Director of Pinkie Farm, said: “We have been delighted with the performance of Barista Bar so far and have seen significant growth both in terms of the number of cups we’re selling and indeed overall sales.

“The unit and it’s branding look great in-store and our customers seem to love it – we anticipated some existing brand loyalty for our previous offering and were unsure of the impact this may have; however, we were delighted to find customers reactions were the complete opposite and we were met with a flood of positive comments when Barista Bar was introduced.

“We have found that the coffee is both a superior quality as well as a great point of difference, with most of our competition all saturated by the same coffee brand. This has improved our footfall as well as basket spend, with our breakfast offering reaping the benefits. To capitalise on this, we have introduced a coffee and breakfast roll meal deal which has gone down well with customers.”

Barista Bar machines have a patented milk system to create foam on cappuccinos, lattes and hot chocolate drinks. The brand has also diversified its offering and now offers a Planted machine, offering oat milk options.

Colin McLean, Chief Executive from CJ Lang & Son, added: “This exclusive brand franchise agreement with Barista Bar, the premium coffee-to-go offer, is a great commercial proposition for all convenience and forecourt stores looking to boost their coffee sales in Scotland. We are excited to see the roll out of Barista Bar continue throughout 2024.”


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