PepsiCo starts-up Walkers van sales

Walkers Choose or Lose display

PepsiCo is launching a new van sales operation to deliver Walkers products direct to independent retailers.

The move follows the collapse of P&H, and the loss of its direct-to-store service.

An as yet unnamed third party has been approached to provide warehousing and depot services for the new fleet of Walkers-branded vans.

The company is also recruiting experienced van sales representatives.

Huseyin Tulpar, Vice President, Impulse Sales at PepsiCo UK, said: “The wholesale market is experiencing a significant amount of change and our focus is to ensure that our customers’ needs are being met in the absence of the important direct-to-store service previously provided by P&H.

“By establishing our own van sales delivery operation, we can quickly replace that service and ensure our retail customers are getting the direct-to-store service and the continuity of supply they require. It is part of our long-standing commitment to the Impulse market and to supporting local retailers.”

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