Pepsi Max Taste Challenge: the verdict

Pepsi Max Taste Challenge

The results of the summer-long Pepsi Max Taste Challenge have been revealed, with 61% of participants choosing it over the UK’s top-selling cola which, in true Lord Voldemort fashion, shall not be named.

The Taste Challenge took place at 44 pop-up sampling locations across the country, with approximately 24,000 participants taking part in controlled blind taste tests to decide the better-tasting cola.

“The results clearly demonstrate the potential revenue power of Pepsi Max as part of a complete retail soft drinks offer,” said Bruce Dallas, Marketing Director at Britvic GB, the brand’s producer in the UK and Ireland for over 30 years.

“The Pepsi Max Taste Challenge has undoubtedly heightened visibility and trial of the brand through the heavyweight support package of TV, outdoor and social advertising alongside the pop-up taste test events this summer.”

“Pepsi Max has contributed more absolute value growth (+£57.1m vs YA) to the Grocery and Impulse Cola category than any other brand in the last year and we will be focusing on developing plans that drive this growth even further for retailers in the coming months.”

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