Bestway Foundation gives £100k to NSPCC

Zameer Choudrey, Bestway Group with Peter Wanless, NSPCC

The Bestway Foundation has donated £100,000 to the NSPCC, the UK’s foremost children’s charity.

The donation took place at Bestway’s HQ in Park Royal on November 23 with Bestway Group Chief Executive Zameer Choudrey (pictured left) and Bestway Wholesale Chairman Younus Sheikh presenting the NSPCC’s Chief Executive Peter Wanless (pictured right) with a cheque for £100,000.

Zameer Choudrey commented: “The NSPCC strives to change the lives of children who have been abused and offer help and support to both children and their parents. At the Bestway Foundation we are delighted to support such a worthy charity and hope that our donation will help their support teams reach out further, go deeper and aim higher to provide the critical support that children need for their development.”

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