Nisa looks to the future

Nisa store interior

Nisa’s Store of the Future 2 format appears to be proving popular with retailers.

Over 70 stores have adopted the modern concept since its launch just over a year ago. Some retailers have reported an increase of over 26% in sales thanks to the improved shop layout and range.

Nisa’s Format and Development Manager, Darren May, said he is driving the concept forward in line with market trends and shopper research while reviewing the overall shop fit to ensure cost effectiveness.

“It’s important to constantly drive this concept forward in order to give our members the best value for money and to stay ahead of the competition,” said May.

“We focus on four main aspects which are quality, breadth of range, customer experience and offering. This is proving to be a winning formula as we are positively progressing with many more stores in the pipeline waiting to be converted.”

The concept is based on extensive research of Nisa’s existing store formats and shopper missions which consequently led to it identifying five key format areas: neighbourhood, high street, small store, forecourt and supermarket.

Hay added: “Our in house insight team is the heart of Store of the Future 2 as they give me a real understanding of what shoppers want and how we can implement this.

“From research we are currently looking at commodity adjacencies, reducing the overall signage required in-store and reviewing fixtures and fittings to elevate promotions and impulse purchases.”

The current format is on track to deliver over 60 conversions this year.

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