Harry helps fight hunger

Harry Ahmed

An in-store foodbank has been launched by big-hearted staff at Nisa Local Greenock to ensure nobody in the community goes hungry.

The team has been making up packages for those who are struggling and have been supported by customers who have also made donations, in a bid to help local people in need.

The store, which opened at the beginning of March just as the coronavirus outbreak hit, has quickly established a place in the community; the launch of the foodbank is in response to the support it has received.

The 1,500sq ft store is operated by the Ahmed family and owner Harry Ahmed says he wants to help locals in any way possible.

He said: “We are very grateful to have our business here and to be doing well thanks to the support of the locals. We just wanted to help and give something back and we have seen how much some people are struggling right now.”

Nisa Local Greenock

People have been urged to contact the store or speak to Harry directly, in confidence, and the team then puts food packages together.

He said: “Nobody needs to feel embarrassed. We just ask that people contact us. They can message us on Facebook with their needs, or pop into the store and speak to a member of staff and then we arrange what they need.”

As well as donations made by the store, locals have rallied around to show their support by donating groceries and money to purchase essential goods.

Harry said: “Everyone in the community wants to support us and we have had some really generous donations. The local people have been great and together we are just trying to do our best and help those who need it right now.”

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