Nisa holds pricing despite alcohol duty increases

Nisa storefront

Nisa Retail will not increase any base pricing to its members across more than 800 lines affected by rises in alcohol duty following the Chancellor’s budget announcement.

The decision by Nisa is intended to safeguard retailers from the burden of additional costs and protect its members’ margin, while also eliminating the time implications of physically enacting the price changes instore.

By not passing on the duty increases, Nisa eliminates the need to realign rrps, which would have been necessary to maintain retailers’ profit margin, meaning that Nisa members can pass these benefits on to their customers through consistent pricing without it impacting their bottom line.

“If we had decided to pass on the duty increases there would have been an extraordinary burden placed on our members,” said Stewart Smith, Nisa Trading Director. “Nisa is committed to delivering benefits to its members and we felt that this decision helps protect retailers while also giving them a strong commercial advantage in a very competitive market place.”

George Osborne’s 2016 March Budget announced that while there would be a freeze on beer, cider and spirit duties, there would be an inflationary rise on wine and other alcohol.

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