Healthy start to new year from Nisa

New year healthy living from Nisa

Nisa has launched a raft of offers to help shoppers kickstart their new year healthy living plans.

Included in the promotion is a selection of Co-op fresh products such as bagged baby leaf salad, trimmed salad onions, tomatoes, mixed peppers and cucumber – all priced at 75p. Punnets of raspberries and cherries are also available on a 2 for £3 deal and easy peeler oranges at £1.50.

An assortment of fruit is also available with bagged fruits including kids’ apples and pears and snack grapes priced at 80p.

Weightwatchers ready meals (half price at £1.49), Muller Light yoghurts (6-pack at £2) and healthier snacking products including Whitworths fruit and nut bags (100g bags for £1), Soreen lunchbox loaves (5pk for £1) and Weetabix cereal deals are also included.

According to latest research from HIM, 45% of shoppers are trying to improve their diet by eating more fruit and vegetables and almost half of convenience store shoppers consider healthy options as important to them.

Head of Marketing at Nisa Philippe Rondepierre said: “January is obviously a key period for retailers to drive fresh and healthy products with consumers making new year’s resolutions to start afresh and turn over a healthy new leaf.

“Our healthy living promotion incorporates a wide range of products across many categories and we believe this will really support our retailers in driving sales as we start the new year.”

The promotion is in Nisa retailers’ stores until January 20, 2019.

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