As students prepare to start university, Nisa is making the most of the Freshers’ Week opportunity by providing its retailers with instore marketing materials. There will also be comprehensive launch events for stores near campuses.
Nisa is supporting all stores with a student essentials campaign with products and deals for students, to provide them with everything they need to get back into college or university.
In addition to this Nisa is also holding 10 key events in stores which are based within 500 yards of a university campus, with a store launch on their Fresher’s Week. This will consist of pull up banners for the store, store launch leaflets distributed to the local area, Nisa FM playing Fresher’s Week material as well as Freshers’ Week t-shirts for staff members to wear to really drive the event. Students will also be given a goodie bag full of giveaways including Nisa merchandise, Volvic Touch of Fruit, a sample of the new Galaxy Duo chocolate bar and Up & Go breakfast drinks plus money off various products instore. There will also be a prize draw during the week which will give students the opportunity to win a Carlsberg hamper.
Lisa Williams, Head of Marketing Services, commented: “Freshers’ Week is an important event for Nisa retailers as it provides them with the opportunity to capture the students’ loyalty early into the academic year so we are urging all retailers to get behind this event. By encouraging students to visit the store during Freshers’ Week students will see the fantastic offers and availability on offer in Nisa stores, which should encourage repeat visits throughout the year.”