New film highlights illicit tobacco trade

Criminal selling carton of cigarettes in pub

Imperial Tobacco has released a fourth short film as part of its ‘Suspect it? Report it!’ anti-illicit trade campaign.

Following on from the first three instalments, which depicted a tobacco smuggler trying to evade airport custom, a shop owner witnessing a criminal peddling counterfeit tobacco and illegal tobacco being sold to unsuspecting consumers in a local market, the fourth film highlights criminals targeting local pubs.

The film, which is also portrayed on posters and supported by a trade press campaign, draws attention to the fact that one in three adult smokers purchase illegal tobacco from pubs, market stalls and car boot sales. It also raises awareness to what the proceeds from the illicit tobacco trade have been linked to: people trafficking, prostitution rings, arms smuggling and terrorism.

Peter Nelson, Imperial Tobacco Anti-Illicit Trade Manager, commented: “Robin Hood and Delboy are likeable, but fictitious characters that represent perfectly, the false images criminals want you to believe are involved in this illegal trade. Every sale of illegal tobacco products made to the public in these environments is at the expense of hard working retailers.”

Nelson concluded: “We urge the trade and public not to be silent, make your voice heard and protect your community and local shops which serve it – if you ‘Suspect it? Report it!’”

The film can be viewed on the Imperial Tobacco website.


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This website contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under 18 years of age.