Nestlé to slash jobs as Blue Riband production moves overseas

Blue Riband

Nestlé has warned its UK workforce that almost 300 jobs are at risk – including seven at its site in Girvan, Ayrshire – as it shifts production of its Blue Riband chocolate biscuit to Poland.

A spokesperson for Nestlé said the proposals would ensure that the four sites affected operate more efficiently and remain competitive in a rapidly changing external environment. The company expects that the reduction in 298 roles will be achieved through voluntary redundancies.

Trade unions reacted with anger to the news, with the GMB’s General Secretary Tim Roach urging the confectionery giant to “export chocolate, not people’s jobs”.

“To shift the production of an iconic British brand like Blue Riband to Poland is completely unacceptable,” Roach continued. “Nestlé are throwing people’s lives, and those of their families, into turmoil for the sake of increasing profit margins.”

The GMB was also quick to point out that Nestlé co-authored the Government’s Export Plan for the Food and Drink Industry, which called for greater investment in the UK industry and support for quality UK jobs.

Julia Long, Unite National Officer, added: “Rather than turning its back on its UK workforce, Nestle should be investing in its UK operations and keeping production here at plants in the UK.”

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