National Newsagent Network is launched

A new company has been created to enable committed and dedicated newsagents to further develop their news sales.

N3, which stands for the National Newsagent Network, was created earlier this month, with newsagent Ray Monelle appointed as its first Chairman and NFRN Chief Executive Paul Baxter as CEO. Its Board of Directors will include a further nine independent newsagents from all over the UK.

They will be responsible for developing operating systems, processes and practices ahead of a wider recruitment campaign in the summer.

Commenting on the creation of the new company, Monelle said: “Through N3 we are bringing together dedicated and professional independent retailers who share a desire to run strong and thriving news businesses so they can compete more effectively in their market sector.

“N3 will give them all the services and support that is normally provided by retail multiple head offices to enable their newspaper and magazine sales to flourish.”

Specific aims of the company are to develop sales and profits, provide centralised copy management and create promotional opportunities.

To join N3, retailers must satisfy a number of entry requirements including having a minimum five day account with newspaper and magazine wholesalers and being fully committed to developing their news sales.

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