Nappy go lucky

baby in nappy

The Auld Yin’s falsers flew halfway across the office when he discovered that Heinz for Baby has launched a new ad campaign to celebrate – as the brand puts it – “the joy of parenting”.

The ‘Pure Joy’ campaign pays homage to the “real, chaotic joy” of parenting.

Squinting at a picture of a yummy mummy spoon-feeding her adorable tot, UTC said that just about covered the joy but “what about the ‘real’ and ‘chaotic’?”

In his twilight years, the old boy is now a lot closer to wearing a nappy again than changing one, but he still vividly recalls with horror wrestling with poo-stained terry-towelling and safety pins at three in the morning as UTC Junior screamed the house down.

He gave both barrels to Heinz for Baby’s Georgina Fotopoulou, who said: “We want to show how Heinz is a brand that understands [parents’] needs and is there, by their side.”

“By their side?” he snorted. “In that case Georgina hen, you’d better start passing the wet wipes.”

Under The Counter

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