Mush ado about packing

Vacuum-packed mince

Sainsbury’s found itself going through the social media meat grinder last month when it started vacuum packing its minced beef – a move that will save more than 450 tonnes of plastic every year.

It also, according to irate shoppers, has turned the mince to mush. Social media comments like “a rectangle of mushed off-cuts” and “turns the mince into mush” give you the squished-up picture.

The supermarket giant must have known it was fighting an uphill battle when it put out leaflets headed “New minced beef packaging. Same quality product”.

This didn’t stop one customer said it felt “like I’ve just bought someone’s kidney to cook at home”.

This could well have belonged to Under The Counter. He recently phoned in sick, citing “kidney problems”. As in, he kidney be bothered getting out of bed.

A big fan of mince – both eating it and talking it – the Auld Boy took a keen interest in the story when he finally turned up at SLR Towers.

Channelling his dear, departed mother – who always gave him short shrift if he ever had the temerity to suggest her cooking looked less than appetising – Under The Counter had this suggestion for the Sainsbury’s whingers: “Shut up and eat it. It’ll get turned to mush where it’s going.”

Under The Counter

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