J20 enlists cockney alpaca to revive nation’s mojo

Mojo, J20's alpaca turned brand ambassador

J₂O, the adult soft drink made by Britvic, is helping consumers find their social mojo in a new £2m marketing campaign, with the help of its new brand ambassador – a bright orange cockney alpaca named Mojo. Yes, you read that correctly.

As the new, friendly face of J₂O and J₂O Spritz, Mojo will feature at the heart of the campaign, dispensing cockney pearls of wisdom as well as lashings of J₂O.

Trystan Farnworth, Commercial Director, Convenience & Impulse at Britvic, commented: “We all have a fun loving social side – sometimes we just need someone or something to help bring it out – and that’s exactly where Mojo the alpaca comes in.”

The campaign runs until the end of August and includes a new TV ad, comprising 30 and 10 second edits, that will feature on mainstream channels nationwide. The ad, set in a summer BBQ location, features Mojo and the range of J₂O blends.

The campaign also includes outdoor advertising and a refreshed website.

Farnworth added: “With more social occasions taking place in summer, there are more opportunities to sell soft drinks, with days out, picnics and BBQs all rising in popularity. Our cheeky new campaign will help retailers take advantage of this seasonal uplift in socialising with J₂O, so we recommend retailers stock up on the full range now.”

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