Mint with a lemon hit from Trebor

Trebor lemon softmints

Trebor is giving a citrus twist to its range with the launch of Softmints Lemon Mint.

Available now, the new variant will offer an interesting flavour experience– first mint, followed by a lemon hit – and aims to continue driving incremental sales within the mints category.

The line extension will feature the contemporary new pack design, which was launched across the range earlier this month. Trebor is unveiling new POS units to support the launch, while continuing to invest in TV marketing for the total brand across the autumn.

Elena Mallo, Senior Brand Manager for Trebor, said: “Our consumer research showed very strong results, with high purchase intent and the product’s sensory attributes were found to be highly satisfying. We’re therefore hugely excited about launching this product in the category.”

The mints category is currently growing, and Trebor has seen sales rise by 5.7% over the last 12 weeks.

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