MFG joins SGF

Motor Fuel Group

Motor Fuel Group, the UK’s largest independent forecourt retailer, has become SGF’s latest member.

MFG operates around 900 stations under the BP, Shell, Esso, Texaco, JET and Murco fuel brands. Given the growing importance of forecourt retailing, MFG will also take a place on the Federation’s National Executive.

MFG’s Retail Managing Director Steve Fox said: “We are delighted to becoming a member of the SGF and we are looking forward to taking a seat on the board. It’s a real privilege to be invited to join an organisation which does such valuable work in supporting local retailers and communities.”

SGF Chief Executive Pete Cheema added: “This is a new and exciting partnership for both SGF and MFG which will enable us to more fully represent the forecourt retailing sector in Scotland. Having MFG on board will undoubtedly strengthen and add to the work of the National Executive and increase the influence it has across the industry.”

Motor Fuel Group came eighth in the league table of Britain’s 100 private companies with the biggest sales, according to the 19th annual Sunday Times HSBC Top Track 100, which was published this month.

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