Free Lucozade Alert stock? Yes, you can-can!

Lucozade Alert

To celebrate the launch of Lucozade Alert Ultimate Energy and Lucozade Alert Zero Sugar Mango Peachade in 250ml cans, Lucozade Alert is giving away a free case of stock of each flavour to 50 independent retailers.

Lucozade Alert wants to see retailers show off their best moves, and in return for the free cases are requesting a short video clip of a retailer, their team or their customers dancing the can-can in store.

The first 50 retailers to email their name and store address to with the subject line ‘I want to join the Big Can-Can’ will receive a free case of each of the new 250ml cans. Once the stock has been received, retailers can email their can-can footage back to the same address.

The Lucozade Alert range offers consumers a high caffeine drink with vitamin B3 to help reduce tiredness. Lucozade Alert Ultimate Energy and Mango Peachade Zero Sugar 250ml cans are available now (RSP £1) and as 75p price-marked packs.

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