Landmark reveals hero products

Landmark hero products

Landmark Wholesale has unveiled six own-brand ‘hero products’.

The buying group has identified six of its best-selling own brand products and is highlighting them in depot by increasing displays. Members are also provided with dedicated POS to grab attention and drive up sales.

The six hero products are:

  • Bellarini sparkling perry
  • LSV Energy Original
  • LSV Isotonic Orange
  • Lifestyle granulated sugar
  • White Storm 2L
  • Prince Consort Vodka

“We are delighted to reveal six of our own-brand hero brands which have been chosen with our members in mind,” said Jon Burton, Senior Trading Controller at Landmark Wholesale.

“These hero products have been selected for their exceptional value in the marketplace for retailers and their proven track record when it comes to sales. They offer a fantastic sales opportunity and are guaranteed to grab the attention of retailers and their customers.”

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