Lactalis McLelland gives excess stock to charity

Seriously Cheddar range

Cheese manufacturer Lactalis McLelland has embarked on a food waste reduction partnership with food redistribution charity FareShare UK, which sees excess stock distributed to vulnerable people across the UK.

All Lactalis McLelland’s in-date surplus cheese, including both branded and own label products, is now being sent to FareShare UK’s network of Regional Centres for redistribution to hundreds of frontline charities and community projects nationally. Products currently included in the arrangement include Seriously, Galloway, Orkney, President and Galbani.

FareShare UK took its first delivery of excess stock from Lactalis McLelland last month.

“Our primary objective will always be to perfectly match supply and demand. However, from time to time operational challenges give rise to excess product that cannot be utilised in normal channels,” said Mark Taylor, CEO and Group Managing Director for Lactalis McLelland UK & Ireland. “We are therefore delighted to partner with FareShare UK to ensure that our surplus stock is used to feed those that need it most.

“No food that is safe for human consumption should go to waste and through our partnership with FareShare UK we are able to ensure that all our surplus cheese is re-directed to fantastic initiatives such as homeless hostels, lunch clubs for older people and community centres.”

Michael Shields, Commercial Manager at FareShare UK said: “We really value Lactalis McLelland’s proactive approach to its surplus food, recognising what products might otherwise go to waste and working closely with FareShare UK to divert this food to vulnerable people instead. Thanks to our partnership, the frontline charities we support can receive a regular supply of top quality, versatile dairy products, which they can use in a wide variety of nutritious meals.”

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