JTI partners with Crimestoppers to combat illegal tobacco trade

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

JTI has joined forces with Crimestoppers to eradiate the illegal tobacco trade across the UK.

The partnership, which begins in February, will see the Crimestoppers anonymous helpline number publicised as the primary ‘call to action’ across all of JTI’s illegal tobacco campaigns throughout the UK.

A follow-up to last year’s ‘Don’t Be Tempted’ campaign, JTI’s aim for the new collaboration is to continue educating retailers and consumers about the dangers of illegal tobacco.

Mark Yexley, JTI’s Media Relations Manager commented: “Illegal tobacco products that are ‘peddled’ within communities pose a risk to the future existence of the hard working retailer. JTI’s partnership with Crimestoppers is designed to encourage local consumers and retailers to ‘take a stand’ and report, in confidence, anyone involved in illegal tobacco crime”.

Crimestoppers hopes that the partnership will remove illicit tobacco from Britain’s streets. Roger Critchell, the charity’s Director of Operations said: “The link this trade has to serious and organised crime is very real, and with the help of information from the public on those supplying and selling these fake products, our aim is to ensure your community is a safe place to live.”

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This publication contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under the age of 18 years old.

This website contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under 18 years of age.

This website contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under 18 years of age.

This publication contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under the age of 18 years old.