J20 Glitterberry makes early return for Halloween

J20 Glitterberry

J₂O’s favourite limited-edition flavour, Glitterberry, has returned and is available now to add some sparkle to seasonal sales opportunities such as Bonfire Night, Halloween and Christmas.

Last year Glitterberry was the third best-selling SKU in the Adult Soft Drinks category over the festive period. Although only available for a limited time, it made a huge impact in 2017, when £9 out of every £10 spent on the flavour was incremental to the category.

To support the relaunch, J₂O’s cockney alpaca brand ambassador Mojo is back again to remind consumers why J₂O is at the heart of key social occasions.

In the run up to Christmas, Mojo will star in a new 10-second Glitterberry nationwide TV ad. This will be supported by a variety of in-store initiatives designed to encourage shoppers to ‘Find their Mojo’ with J₂O throughout the festive season.

Trystan Farnworth, Commercial Director, Convenience & Impulse at Britvic, commented: “We know consumers are more social in the run-up to Christmas, as well as wanting to drink less alcohol over the festive season.

“This Christmas we want to help retailers make the most of the sales opportunities this presents, as well as other key occasions like Halloween and Bonfire Night. The early return of J₂O Glitterberry certainly helps to do this, so our advice is stock up now!”

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