Innis & Gunn lets liquid do talking

Innis & Gunn billboard

Innis & Gunn has decided to let the liquid do the talking with the launch of its latest marketing campaign, If You Know, You Know.

The six-figure campaign – the brewer’s biggest of the year so far – aims to intrigue new drinkers to try the lager, while rewarding those already ‘in the know’.

It will debut Scotland-wide for five weeks featuring out-of-home advertising alongside social, digital and pop-up activity.

Dougal Gunn Sharp, Founder and Master Brewer of Innis & Gunn, said: “If You Know, You Know epitomises Innis & Gunn’s attitude to the marketing of our beer. We’ve never felt the need to show off or try too hard to tell people how great it tastes – we’ve always let our beer do the talking – and our success over the years demonstrates that.

“Innis & Gunn Lager Beer has performed incredibly well in the off-trade over the last year and we hope this high profile new campaign will further support our retail partners.”

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