Imperial Tobacco launches JPS Crushball

This information is for tobacco traders only

JPS Crushball will launch nationwide from 11th April, replacing JPS Duo.

Available in King Size 19s and positioned in the economy sector of the Factory Made Cigarette category, the new cigarette combines the taste of a Virginia tobacco with a crushball in the filter that – when activated – releases a burst of fresh flavour.

The crushball sector continues to grow, with one in 10 cigarettes purchased in the UK now a crushball variant.

“With Player’s Crushball enjoying huge success in the Sub Economy sector, we wanted to complement JPS’s range in the Economy sector with a smooth crushball offering in line with consumers’ preferences,” said Imperial Tobacco Brand Manager Emma Stew.

JPS Crushball King Size 19s rrps at £7.69, with introductory £7.20 PMPs also available.

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