JTI research uncovers extent of illegal tobacco in Scotland

illegal tobacco

New research from JTI has found that over half (52%) of smokers in Scotland have purchased illegal tobacco products including counterfeit and foreign tobacco.

The research also discovered one in four (25%) smokers in Scotland had been offered illegal tobacco in the past year, and nearly half (42%) of them in the last month alone. Furthermore, over 20% of smokers would consider purchasing illicit tobacco despite knowing it is illegal, with the main motivator being to save money (86%), along with smaller packs no longer being available (21%).

A mystery shopping operation conducted for JTI in Scotland identified the availability of illegal tobacco in retail outlets, market stalls, pubs and through street sellers. The operation found a range of illegal products for sale for as little as £3 for 50g of counterfeit roll-your-own (RYO) tobacco – £17 less than the recommended retail price for the genuine product.

According to HM Revenue & Customs illegal tobacco currently accounts for 13% of the cigarette market, and 32% of RYO tobacco in the UK.

Steve Wilkins, JTI Anti-Illegal Trade Operations Director, commented: “This research reveals worrying statistics on the scale of illegal tobacco in Scotland, posing a serious threat to legitimate business. JTI renews its call for other category partners in the distribution chain to join them and ‘Take a Stand’ against retailers who sell illegal tobacco.

“Any retailer who knows of criminals supplying illegal cigarettes in their area should contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or the HMRC Fraud Hotline on 0800 788 887.”

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This website contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under 18 years of age.

This website contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under 18 years of age.

This publication contains images and information relating to tobacco products. Please do not view if you are under the age of 18 years old.