Hula Hoops get baked in new TV ad

Hula Hoop on deck chair

To support the launch of its new Golden Hoops, Hula Hoops is back on TV screens as part of a £1.5m media campaign.

On air from 22nd August to 25th September, the new advert features two Golden Hoops bathing on sun loungers in a tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement that the new snack is baked to contain 30% less fat.

Jeff Swan, Marketing Director at KP Snacks, commented: “We have a strong marketing plan in place to ensure we reach millions of consumers, including digital and social activity, plus a shopper marketing program in September.

“Permissible family snacking occasions provide retailers with a key opportunity to drive incremental sales of new products. Consumers want a snack that is both tasty and nutritious but will satisfy their taste buds. Cheese is by far the most popular flavour, so an important one to stock when trying to attract new consumers.”

Launched in May, Hula Hoops Golden Hoops contain 30% less fat than standard crisps and come in multipacks of six in Cheese, Salt & Vinegar and Sour Cream & Chive flavours (rrp £1.70), as well as a 50g Cheese-flavoured grab bag (rrp 69p).

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