On Friday June 23, up to 600 grocery colleagues attended the picturesque Honourable Artillery Company Gardens for the GroceryAid Summer Ball.
The evening was a huge success, and shone a light on the generosity of the industry with those attending raising more than £185,000. These funds will enable GroceryAid to provide 616 much needed respite breaks to those undertaking caring responsibilities.
On a beautiful summer evening entertainment included funfair attractions, magicians, tombola and goody bags, live music from The Hares and more. The £20 Draw saw one lucky winner take home a brand-new Vauxhall Viva. The winning ticket was drawn by BBC Radio’s legendary DJ Trevor Nelson (pictured), who then kicked off his set in front of a crowded dance floor.
GroceryAid extends its thanks to all the companies who kindly donated product and prizes for the evening and to the volunteers from Mars Chocolate UK for their invaluable help in running the tombola.
The evening would not have been possible without the help of the event’s sponsors. These include: Asda, KP Snacks, Kraft Heinz, Lucozade Ribena Suntory, Mars, Mondelēz, Nestlé, Palmer and Harvey, Weetabix and Wrigley.
Plans are already underway for an exciting event next year with lots of new features. To find out more email events@groceryaid.org.uk or visit www.groceryaid.org.uk.