Golden Wonder goes large with new PMPs

Golden Wonder Mega Rings

Golden Wonder has extended its £1 PMP range with the launch of Mega Rings.

The new ‘baked not fried’ snack is available in two variants – Mega Onion Rings and Mega Spicy Rings – in 50g packs price marked at £1.

Over the past four years, £1 PMPs have been the main driver of snacks category growth, growing over three times faster than the market and accounting for half of all sales.

Inflationary pressure is forcing many brands to move above the £1 price point, but Golden Wonder says it “is committed to putting customers first”.

Matt Smith, Marketing Director at Golden Wonder, explained: “Having spoken to retailers and consumers, the importance of sticking to the £1 price point comes through loud and clear. The squeeze on consumers means independent retailers must give their customers confidence that they are getting great value through PMPs.

“Instead of raising the headline price of our £1 PMPs, we’re sticking with £1 – demonstrating Golden Wonder’s commitment to making great-tasting snacks, with great consumer value, whilst delivering strong retailer margins.”

Golden Wonder’s £1 PMP Snacks range is currently outperforming the market, with growth of 22.6% compared to 9.9%.

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