Glacéau gears up for a summer of sport

Glacéau smartwater

A new sports cap format for glacéau smartwater is due to hit shelves this month, backed by a £5.5m ‘life distilled’ marketing campaign for the brand.

The new sports cap, which will be available in 850ml packs, has been introduced to tap into consumer demand for instant consumption formats, where glacéau smartwater is ranked fifth.

The ‘life distilled’ campaign utilises out of home and digital advertising and will run throughout spring and summer.

Caroline Cater, Operational Marketing Director for Coca-Cola Enterprises, said: “Bottled water with a sports cap is in growth, ahead of the rest of the instant consumption water sector. There is real room for our customers to capitalise on this trend with the new pack format for glacéau smartwater which, as a brand, continues to grow in popularity.”

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