FSS prepares food businesses for Covid-19 investigations

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Food Standards Scotland (FSS) has published a new document in collaboration with Public Health Scotland to support food business operators with preparing for the investigations that will take place if an outbreak of Covid-19 is suspected in their workforce.

The Investigation of Covid-19 Outbreaks in Food Businesses guidance aims to help Food Business Operators (FBOs) to better understand these investigations, and how an Incident Management Team (IMT) will decide on the actions that need to be taken to stop the further spread of the virus in the workplace and the wider community.

The guidance will assist FBOs in preparing for the types of questions that are likely to be asked during an investigation and the broad principles that inform decisions taken by the IMT, including whether a business should be closed or can remain open.

It also underlines the importance of FBOs being able to demonstrate to the IMT that they have taken appropriate steps to protect their workforce from the risks of Covid-19.

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