Extra Flamin’ rot

Burning crisp with message 'not actual size'.

Under The Counter has a question for you: who complained to Walkers about the size of their crisps?

The Auld Boy is asking because it has come to his attention that the brand’s new Extra Flamin’ Hot variant is packaged in a poke with a picture of a crisp on the front, along with a ‘Not actual size’ message in an extremely small font.

Ironically, there is no message stating, ‘Not actually on fire’.

Anyhoo, UTC found the disclaimer faintly perplexing (it doesn’t take much to addle what little grey matter still rattles around his septuagenarian skull, to be fair) because it’s not that long since the brand released a Smokin’ BBQ Sauce flavour, which didn’t carry a similar notice.

This got the Auld Boy wondering if the warning only kicked in after a certain temperature threshold was crossed, given that one crisp was only smokin’ while the other had ignited and was, in fact, flamin’.

Which then got him pondering if the person who names crisps for Walkers has a broken keyboard, without a functioning letter ‘g’. It’s certainly somethin’ worth thinkin’ about.

Under The Counter

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