Dairylea is aiming to get families out of their comfort zone this summer through a new on-pack campaign.
The £1.3m ‘We Dareylea You!’ activity will see Dairylea triangle, spreads and slices packs rebranded as ‘Dareylea’ for three months. Special packs will include a series of cheesy dares that will encourage families across Britain to get out and about and undertake a series of fun challenges.
The campaign, part of Dairylea’s long-term ‘Feed the Fun’ positioning, will be supported by out-of-home, online, social media, radio and in-store activity.
Patrick Bochet, Marketing Director for Meals at Mondelez, said: “We’re incredibly excited to be launching the ‘Dareylea’ campaign and we think both retailers and shoppers alike will really embrace it. We can’t wait to see how people respond to our dares.”