Urban Eat brings back royal treat

Urban Eat Coronation Chicken Sandwich

Adelie Foods has relaunched its Urban Eat Coronation Chicken Sandwich to capture some of the buzz surrounding the forthcoming wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle.

Sandwich filling buffs won’t need reminding that the flavour was invented for Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation banquet in 1953.

The regal limited-edition is available until August 19.

“Coronation Chicken is a firm British favourite that is perfect for all lunchtime, snack and picnic occasions,” said Isla Owen, Senior Marketing Manager at Adelie Foods. “Following a successful launch last year, we expect it to be a hit again as the nation celebrates a summer of national events.

“The bright seaside beach hut packaging also brings colour and a point of difference to chillers, helping retailers to make the most of sales opportunities.”

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