Core Rewards: best-one unveils new rebate scheme

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Best-one has launched Core Rewards, a new initiative designed to increase a retailer’s awareness of the key lines best-one has identified to help drive sales.

The Core Rewards range includes 232 products at launch. If retailers buy three-quarters of these then they qualify for a rebate of up to 5% off the purchase price. Alcohol is subject to a different rebate rate because of government duty.

To get the rebate, retailers must order and receive delivery of at least one case of 75% of the products in the Core Rewards range in one calendar month. Once this target is reached for the month, retailers will continue to receive up to 5% rebate on any additional cases ordered and received of Core Rewards products within that month.

The Core Rewards range spans all categories relevant to convenience including soft drinks, crisps and snacks, confectionery, alcohol, grocery, chilled and non-food. It includes products from leading brands such as Coca-Cola and Mondelez, as well as several best-one own-label lines. The products will change periodically to help retailers keep up with NPD and seasonal trends.

Paul Adams, Head of Sales and Development for best-one, said Core Rewards would not only help retailers identify which products they should always stock but reward them for doing so. He said this demonstrated best-one’s commitment to helping independent retailers grow their businesses in line with changing market needs.

He continued: “The Core Product Range identifies 2,000 of the fastest selling products and rewards retailers for stocking a specific range of these. We recommend that retailers work with their local best-one Business Development Managers to finesse the range for their specific store demographics, using the best-one store model and that they also buy from the Core Rewards recommended range to gain the additional benefits of quick sales and increased rebate.”

Retailers who want to know more should talk to their sales representative or call the Bestway Contact Centre on 01738 646666.

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