As Christmas jumpers go, that’s a Whopper

Christmas jumpers

Thanks to his extensive collection of moth-eaten woolly jumpers and cardigans, UTC has to put up with Christmas jumper gags all year round at SLR Towers – which he takes in surprisingly good grace. His jumper collection has a place very close to his heart, you see.

So you can just imagine his lack of delight at the SLR Christmas party when a colleague presented him with his very own Burger King interactive Christmas jumper to help “really light up the festive period”.

The jumper has a wee kangaroo-style pouch in the front where you can slot in your iPhone after downloading an app that plays a film of flames and makes it look like the fireplace on your jumper is actually on fire.

The auld yin never even cracked a smile and was last seen reluctantly forcing his old Nokia 3310 into the pouch.

Under The Counter

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