Central Scotland postmaster joins Post Office leadership team

Post Office

The Post Office has appointed experienced postmaster Hithendra Cheetirala as its first Postmaster Director.

Cheetirala been a postmaster since 2015 and runs post office branches in Falkirk and Cowdenbeath and a mobile outreach van. Working in partnership with another postmaster, he also operates a third branch.

He has more than 20 years’ experience in various sectors including retail, HR, business development, and his last role was as an international director in the university sector in Scotland.

The Post Office says Cheetirala’s focus will be on bringing the postmaster voice into the “day-to-day business”.

Cheetirala takes up the role this month on a part-time basis and will take up his role fully in October. His branches will be run by experienced managers while he undertakes the postmaster director role.

He said: “I’m looking forward to joining the leadership team at Post Office as the first ever postmaster director and to use my skills and experience to improve how we work with and engage with postmasters. This is critical to building a genuine partnership with all postmasters.

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